Items where Division is "Jurnal" and Year is 2022

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Number of items: 20.


H. Rajab, - (2022) Analisis Ta‘Līlī atas penerpan hukuman mati bagi koruptor di Indonesia. Al-Muqaranah, 1 (1). pp. 32-51. ISSN 2302-853X

H. Rajab, - (2022) Menggugat larangan wanita haid berdiam dalam Masjid (Perbandingan Pandangan Imam al-Syafi’i dan Imam Ahmad). Jurnal Muqaronah, 6 (2). pp. 133-150. ISSN 2809-4832

H. Rajab, - (2022) Sopi sebagai obat pasca melahirkan di kota Namlea. Jurnal Al-Muqaranah, 1 (1). pp. 1-13.

H. Rajab, - (2022) Straightening the understanding of the text "Al-Nikāḥ Sunnatī, Fa Man Ragiba 'An Sunnatī Fa Laisa Minnī". UIN Alauddin, 2 (2). pp. 111-125.

H. Rajab, - (2022) Studi Naqd Al-Hadith atas hadis ‘Aisyah tentang mesjid tidak halal bagi perempuan haid. Tadris, 13 (2). pp. 136-158.

H. Rajab, - (2022) Telaah kritis kehadisan teks “Menuntut Ilmu Di Waktu Kecil Laksana Mengukir Di Atas Batu”. Jurnal Ulunnuha, 9 (2). pp. 136-154. ISSN 2865-6050

Hakis, - (2022) Problematics of contemporary problems and cultural poverty challenges. Journal International Dakwah and Communication, 2 (2). pp. 83-96. ISSN Journal International Dakwah and Communication

Haryanti, Tuty and Mardin, Nurhayati and Kharismawan, Adiguna (2022) Perbandingan hukum Indonesia dan Malaysia: Reformulasi kebijakan aborsi akibat tindak pidana perkosaan di Indonesia. DIKTUM: Jurnal Syariah dan Hukum, 20 (2). pp. 369-382. ISSN 2548-8414

Hasanah, Nur (2022) Analysis of Islamic higher education quality mapping based on student service satisfaction using multidimensional scaling method. Cendikia, 20 (1). pp. 65-83. ISSN 2477 796X


Lating, Ainun Diana (2022) Bimbingan konseling Islam multikultural dalam “Kapita selekta bimbingan dan konseling Islam; Narasi ragam kompetensi persembahan PABKI untuk negeri. Malang. pp. 434-471.


Rumadan, Ismail (2022) The Genealogy of Communal Conflict in Vilage in AmbonMaluku, Indonesia (A Historical, Sociological and Legal Perspective). A Journal of Vytautas Magnus University, 15 (2). pp. 117-133. ISSN 2029-0454

Rumadan, Ismail (2022) Learning values Through domestic violence of The Communal Coflict in Maluku Indonesia. The Setbold, 17. pp. 1347-1357. ISSN 1533-9211

Rustina. N, - (2022) Peran orang tua dalam membentuk akhlak karimah anak pada era digital di desa Waihatu kecamatan Kairatu Barat. Jurnal Studi Islam, 11 (2). pp. 172-192. ISSN 2809-2740

Rustina. N, - (2022) Straightening the understanding of the text "Al-Nikāḥ Sunnatī, Fa Man Ragiba 'An Sunnatī Fa Laisa Minnī". journal_uin-alauddin_ihyaussunnah, 2 (2). pp. 111-125. (Submitted)


Shalihah, Mar'atun (2022) Sharia based consumption patterns models during the Covid-19 pandemic.. MES foundation. pp. 90-106.

Shalihah, Mar'atun (2022) The effect of locak community support toward sharia tourism in cwntral Maluku regency. EQUILIBRIUM, 10 (1). pp. 157-172. ISSN 2502-8316

Sopamena, Patma (2022) Artikel_Effectiveness of Flipped Classroom Model on Mathematics Achievement at the University Level A Meta-Analysis Study. International Journal of Instruction, 16 (1). pp. 767-780. ISSN 1308-1470

sumiyati, - (2022) pembelajaran aqidah akhlak. Skripsi thesis, IAIN Ambon.


Tubaka, Manaf and Tuanany, Nurlaila (2022) Concept of “Baku Masuk” as a symbol of the culture of harmony in Ambon. Ambon, 8 (1). pp. 12-19. ISSN 2477-135X


Wattimena, Husin (2022) Form of legal protection for children of sexual harassments in the Namlea State Court, Maluku. IHSA Institute, 11 (3). pp. 1638-1649. ISSN 2722-4643

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