Items where Author is "Ridwan, -"
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Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2023) Communication patterns of muslim communities’ after involvement in the Pela Gandong ritual in Moluccas Immanuel church, Indonesia. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2023) Developing conceptual change text on the states of matter and their changes for prospective elementary school teacher. -.
Dr. M Ridwan, SH., M.H (2023) EMAIL Journal of Religion & Health (JORH). -.
Dr. M Ridwan, SH., M.H (2023) Email Communication Patterns. -.
Dr. M Ridwan, SH., M.H (2023) Email Communication Strategy. -.
Dr. M. Ridwan S.H., M.H (2023) Email Dramaturgy. -.
Dr. M Ridwan, SH., M.H (2023) Email THE ABDA’U RITUAL. -.
Dr. M Ridwan, SH., M.H (2023) Email THE EXPRESSION OF MILLENIAL. -.
Dr. M. Ridwan S.H., M.H (2023) Email The Symbolic Communication. -.
Dr. M Ridwan, SH., M.H (2023) Email Transformation Identity. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2023) Experience of the muslim community resistance during COVID-19 in Moluccas, Indonesia. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2023) KORESPONDEN Reviewing Sepa language. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2023) KORESPONDEN Revisting traditional communication in Indonesia. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2023) KORESPONDEN Ritual Cross-Religious. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2023) KORESPONDEN evaluating educational concepts. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2023) KORESPONDENSI Balinese muslim identity construction. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2023) KORESPONDENSI Degradasi metalinguistik kesantunan dalam acara Mata Najwa episode: Ragu-ragu perpu KPK. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2023) KORESPONDENSI Delineating subjective experiences. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2023) KORESPONDENSI penguatan aksara Al-Qur’an. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2023) KORESPONDENSI the effects of using predict. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2023) KORESPONDEN_A The Ritual Ukuwala Mahiate. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2023) Representase gender dan aspek pendukung kemampuan bilingualisme penutur bahasa Makassar di Ambon. -.
Dr. M. Ridwan S.H., M.H (2023) SK Penelitian 2018-2020. -.
Dr. M Ridwan, SH., M.H (2023) Self-Meaning of the Oligodactyly. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2023) TURNITIN; Communication patterns of muslim communities’ after involvement in the Pela Gandong ritual in Moluccas Immanuel church, Indonesia. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2023) TURNITIN; Degradasi metalinguistik kesantunan dalam acara Mata Najwa episode: Ragu-ragu perpu KPK. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2023) TURNITIN; Developing conceptual change text on the states of matter and their changes for prospective elementary school teacher. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2023) TURNITIN; Experience of the muslim community resistance during COVID-19 in Moluccas, Indonesia. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2023) TURNITIN; Representase gender dan aspek pendukung kemampuan bilingualisme penutur bahasa Makassar di Ambon. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2023) TURNITIN; Representasi gender dan aspek pendukung kemampuan bilingualisme penutur bahasa Makassar di Ambon. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2023) TURNITIN; Ritual cross-religious in Moluccas Immanuel church, Indonesia: Why involvement of muslim communities? -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2022) PEER REVIEW: Asimetrik desentralisasi management marine resources (desentralisasi asimetrik dalam pengelolaan sumber daya laut. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2022) PEER REVIEW: Asymmetric concept of decentralization management of Indonesian marine resources. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2022) PEER REVIEW: Balinese muslim identity construction: Symbol of harmonious communication among religious adherents in Indonesia. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2022) PEER REVIEW: Communication strategy in managing anxiety and uncertainty during the Covid-19 tests in Indonesia. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2022) PEER REVIEW: Delineating subjective experiences in the Mardika market; Self-management of beggars identities in Mollucas, Indonesia. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2022) PEER REVIEW: Evaluating educational concepts mastery of prospective teachers in Ambon_ An-ex-post-facto study from comprehensive examination result. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2022) PEER REVIEW: Konversi hukum adat dalam sistim hukum sumberdaya laut di Indonesia. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2022) PEER REVIEW: Muslim communities’ identity transformation trough the Pela Gandong ritual communication in Moluccas Immanuel church, Indonesia. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2022) PEER REVIEW: Penguatan aksara Al- Qur’an di majelis taklim kota Tobelo Halmahera Tengah melalui penggunaan buku Qiro’ah. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2022) PEER REVIEW: Prinsip harmonisasi dalam pengelolaan sumber daya laut di daerah kepulauan Indonesia. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2022) PEER REVIEW: Reviewing Sepa language extinction of the indigenous peoples of Amahai, Moluccas, Indonesia. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2022) PEER REVIEW: Revisting traditional communication in Indonesia; Why do Self-Immunity rituals of Pelauw indigenous community, Mollucas. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2022) PEER REVIEW: Self-Meaning of Oligodactyly: Healt communication study of people with Oligodactyly in the Village of Ulutaue, South Sulawesi. Indonesia. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2022) PEER REVIEW: The Abda’u ritual; Ethnograpich communication study of Tulehu society in the Moluccas, Indonesia. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2022) PEER REVIEW: The dramaturgy communication of beggars in an Indonesian market. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2022) PEER REVIEW: The effects of using predict-observe-explain strategy assisted by conceptual change text towards the conceptual mastery of prospective primary school teachers on the matter and its changes. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2022) PEER REVIEW: The expression of millennial female Journalists’ idealism; Experiences of female Journalists in Surabaya, Indonesia. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2022) PEER REVIEW: The ritual Ukuwala Mahiate; The integration of tradition and religion of the indigenious community of Molucas, Indonesia. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2022) PEER REVIEW; Konsep pengelolaan sumber daya laut( suatu kajian hukum dalam penerapan konsep asimetrik). -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2022) PEER REVIEW; Terorisme dan jihad; tinjauan hukum dan sosial keagamaan. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2022) TURNITIN: Asimetrik desentralisasi management marine resources (desentralisasi asimetrik dalam pengelolaan sumber daya laut. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2022) TURNITIN: Asymmetric concept of decentralization management of Indonesian marine resources. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2022) TURNITIN: Balinese muslim identity construction: Symbol of harmonious communication among religious adherents in Indonesia. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2022) TURNITIN: Delineating subjective experiences in the Mardika market; Self-management of beggars identities in Mollucas, Indonesia. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2022) TURNITIN: Evaluating educational concepts mastery of prospective teachers in Ambon_ An-ex-post-facto study from comprehensive examination result. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2022) TURNITIN: Konsep pengelolaan sumber daya laut( suatu kajian hukum dalam penerapan konsep asimetrik). -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2022) TURNITIN: Konversi hukum adat dalam sistim hukum sumberdaya laut di Indonesia. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2022) TURNITIN: Muslim communities’ identity transformation trough the Pela Gandong ritual communication in Moluccas Immanuel church, Indonesia. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2022) TURNITIN: Penguatan aksara Al- Qur’an di majelis taklim kota Tobelo Halmahera Tengah melalui penggunaan buku Qiro’ah. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2022) TURNITIN: Prinsip harmonisasi dalam pengelolaan sumber daya laut di daerah kepulauan Indonesia. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2022) TURNITIN: Revisting traditional communication in Indonesia ; Why do self-immunity rituals of Pelauw indigenous community, Mollucas. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2022) TURNITIN: Self-Meaning of Oligodactyly Healt communication study of People With Oligodactyly in the Village Of Ulutaue, South Sulawesi. Indonesia. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2022) TURNITIN: The Abda’u ritual; Ethnograpich communication study of Tulehu society in the Moluccas, Indonesia. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2022) TURNITIN: The dramaturdy communication of beggars in an Indonesian market. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2022) TURNITIN: The effects of using predict-observe-explain strategy assisted by conceptual change text towards the conceptual mastery of prospective primary school teachers on the matter and its changes. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2022) TURNITIN: The expression of millennial female Journalists’ idealism; Experiences of female Journalists in Surabaya, Indonesia. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2022) TURNITIN; Communication strategy in managing anxiety and uncertainty during the Covid-19 tests in Indonesia. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2022) TURNITIN; Reviewing Sepa language extinction of the indigenous peoples of Amahai, Moluccas, Indonesia. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2022) TURNITIN; Terorisme dan jihad; Tinjauan hukum dan sosial keagamaan. -.
Dr. Ridwan, SH,. MH (2022) TURNITIN; The ritual Ukuwala Mahiate; The integration of tradition and religion of the indigenious community of Molucas, Indonesia. -.